EAG Inc.

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(832) 485-5800

Years In The Industry
Years With EAG

Life is beautiful outside the box.

As a Controller at EAG, Erik leads a team of accountants to serve various clients in coordinating roles and responsibilities across multiple functional areas. He ensures tasks are prioritized effectively, and any client request related to revenue, treasury, joint interest billing (JIB), accounts payable, and monthly close are handled properly.

Erik has 15+ years of Accounting and Finance experience and throughout his career, he has led various process improvement initiatives, developed automated reporting solutions, and more.  Erik holds a Bachelor of Accounting Degree, and a Master of Science in Finance degree from Sam Houston State University. He is also a Certified Public Accountant and has performed personal income tax returns for clients.

Erik began his career as an intern for Devon Energy and gained experience in accounts payable, production accounting, revenue accounting, and financial planning and analysis. From that point on, his career has led him back and forth between accounting and finance related roles at Devon and elsewhere. 

Erik has focused on process improvement and efficiency throughout his career. While at Devon, Erik developed a financial reporting package for a $6 Billion business unit that was ultimately adopted by all other business units and used to calculate accurate accruals. Later at Devon, he led the effort to automate non-operated JIB invoices by developing RPA technology and Excel macros, cutting down on the employees required from seven to two. Erik also created a complex financial model that was used to create bids and predict margins for a pipeline inspection company. 

Erik loves to spend time outdoors when the weather cooperates and play the drum set. When he is not taking his boys to baseball or his girls to gymnastics, he enjoys playing recreational softball, tennis, and golf. He also enjoys attending concerts and spending time at the parks and attractions that downtown Oklahoma City has to offer. 

Erik and his wife enjoy traveling and have been blessed with the opportunity to visit many places including Australia, Thailand, and some European countries. Domestically, their favorite places are Nashville, San Diego, and the Florida panhandle.