EAG Inc.

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Years In The Industry
Years With EAG

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.” C.S. Lewis

Ginny Swonke is a Controller in the Back-Office Outsourcing (BPO) group at EAG. She is responsible for all areas of accounting including Revenue, Joint Interest Billing (JIB), Accounts Payable, Owner Relations, and general accounting for several EAG clients. She ensures client deadlines and expectations are met timely and accurately. 

Ginny started her career in Joint Interest Billing and later transitioned to becoming a Financial Analyst. In the Financial Analyst role, she moved into a supervisory position where she was responsible for Accounts Payable, Joint Interest Billing and Finance functions at a public company. She then continued to move forward in her career taking on the position of Director, where she oversaw all accounting functions as well as owner relations at private companies. Under these roles, she also implemented and assured compliance with internal controls, and led SOC Audits. 

Ginny Swonke spent 18 years with Schlumberger performing Joint Interest Billing and Financial Analysis for Schlumbegers Joint Ventures. She then transferred to a private company for over a year, until the company was bought by another private company, Quorum Software, where she stayed for six years. Her time at the private company, as well as her time at Quorum provided her with the opportunity to work with new clients including startups and established companies.  

Ginny enjoys spending time with her husband, two children, and granddaughter. Her entire family loves sports and spends a lot of time watching/attending sporting events. She also enjoys traveling and reading.