EAG Inc.

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(832) 485-5800

Years In The Industry
Years With EAG

"They don’t care how much you know, unless they know how much you care.” ― Pat Summitt, head coach of the University of Tennessee 1974 to 2012.

Jesselyn Reed is the Senior Customer Success Manager at EAG with 14+ years of experience in the oil and gas industry. As the Senior Customer Success Manager, Jesselyn’s primary focus is ensuring that EAG client’s expectations are met and EAG is relied upon as a trusted partner of their organization.

Throughout her career, Jesselyn has handled various accounting and procurement software implementations, project management, and account management. She is a technical expert and trusted advisor who has experience gathering technical software requirements for clients, deploying best practices, change management, and more.

Prior to joining EAG, Jesselyn spent 14 years working for Enverus where she supported the ePayables Source-2-Pay solution (OpenInvoice), implemented software, and handled sales. She has managed 40+ implementations across the energy ecosystem, including various ERP software over the course of her career. She holds a bachelor’s degree in history and political science from Samford University where she also received an NCAA Division 1 tennis athletic scholarship. Additionally, Jesselyn is a seven-time Ironman finisher.

Jesselyn enjoys playing tennis, spending time with family, sailing, participating in endurance events, and playing with her English Labradors.