EAG Inc.

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(832) 485-5800

Years In The Industry
Years With EAG

“The key to good decision making is understanding. We are swimming in the former. We are desperately lacking in the latter.” ― Malcolm Gladwell, Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

Soni is the Corporate IT & Applications Director at EAG with 25+ years of overall experience in the oil and gas industry. As the Director of Corporate IT & Applications, Soni manages all aspects of EAG’s internal IT infrastructure, business applications, and service desk. This includes developing and implementing IT strategies to support EAG business objectives. Soni also manages the Product and Automation team. This team will drive innovation, reduce costs, and enhance productivity by providing tailored automations, integrations, products, and reporting solutions that enable our company to grow in a scalable manner.

Soni holds a bachelor’s degree in communications and political science from the University of North Texas.

Soni has led companies in building out Corporate IT Operations teams. She is responsible for leading the team in meeting and exceeding expectations regarding performance, meeting defined metrics/benchmarks, and ensuring standards and processes are followed to provide effective customer service. She has deployed service management solutions to allow fit for purpose solutions for onshore environments. Soni successfully works with multiple vendors and executes enterprise-wide IT strategies that align with the business strategy.

Prior to EAG, Soni worked at Las Vegas Sands Corp as the Vice President for Corp IT for two years developing and building the team. Before that, she worked at BP/BPX as the head of IT Operations, responsible for the delivery of all third-party and internally managed IT operations, in addition to services and infrastructure used to support business process and services across the enterprise.

Soni enjoys traveling, spending time with her husband, and adorable dog Holly, “Holly Woods.”  She and her husband recently completed a wonderful trip to Egypt and Costa Rica. Their kids are grown and living in Austin and Oklahoma.