EAG Inc.

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Years In The Industry
Years With EAG

“Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.” - Dalai Lama

Tricia Dickinson is a Controller in the Back-Office Outsourcing (BPO) group at EAG. She is responsible for all areas of accounting including Revenue, Joint Interest Billing (JIB), Accounts Payable and general accounting for several EAG clients. She ensures client deadlines and expectations are met timely and accurately. 

Tricia Dickinson is a Controller in the BPO group with 37+ years of experience in the upstream oil and gas industry. She started her career as a Revenue Accountant and grew to become a supervisor, then a manager responsible for the accounts payable, accounts receivable, and JIB functions. Tricia then became a Controller for both public and private companies where she managed all aspects of accounting. She has built dynamic teams who implemented internal controls and facilitated asset acquisitions.

Tricia spent the first 10 years of her career in revenue for a family-owned oil and gas company. She spent another 10 years with a small public oil and gas company growing from revenue supervisor to Controller while learning and managing all aspects of operational accounting. She has also worked extensively with land and operations to have a well-rounded understanding of all aspects of the business. In the last 8 ½ years, Tricia served as a Controller of company with family-owned assets as well as assets managed for a group of investors. 

Tricia enjoys spending time with her family and friends on weekends, as well as traveling with her husband. As a native Texan, her favorite part of the state is the hill country. She also enjoys reading, DIY projects and decorating her house.